Flower Flair Pin
Before you start, you need to know:
Felting needles are sharper than the sharpest sharp thing you can think of. While felting, always watch your hands and fingers to avoid boo-boos. Make sure your pokes are gentle, too.
Ready? Ok!
Materials and Tools:
Foam, 1 felting needle, and wool fiber – colors: 3 of your choice (colors in photos are Silver Fox Gray, The Turq, and Purple Royale)
1. Pull the fiber
Start with a tuft of your base color about 4” long. (The fiber pulls apart more easily if you place your hands about 4-5 inches apart and pull gently.)
2. Loosen the fiber
Loosen the tuft a bit, pulling the sides to flatten the fiber and make it wispy.
3. Fold the fiber
Fold the fiber into a puffy and imperfect disc, about 2″ diameter.
4. Start your poking
Place the disc on the foam and gently poke the needle into the fiber.
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Bonus Tip for The People: Gentle pokes work best. The business end of the needle is only an inch at the tip. Poke any further than that and it’s a waste of your efforts.
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5. Start your poking

Pick up the disc, flip it over, and poke some more. (Flipping often keeps it from permanently sticking to the foam.)
6. Keep poking
Continue to poke the disc from all angles, flipping it often.
7. Poke the edge
Once the disc starts to thicken, place it on its edge and use very tiny, gentle pokes to thicken and shape it even more.
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Hells yeah, it’s a Tip!: Even when you are poking at an angle, make sure your needle goes in and out in the same direction. Otherwise, it could snap.
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8. Add more fiber
If the disc is about the right size but it isn’t as thick or as strong as you’d like, pull a little more roving, loosely wrap it around the disc and keep poking. Repeat as needed.
9. Refine edge
After you’ve added more fiber and poked it top to bottom, you’ll need to poke around the edge again. Remember to use tiny pokes.
This is your template. There are many like it, but this one is yours. Print it out if you’d like to use it as follows…
10. Make an indent
Pick a spot on your disc and make gentle pokes to begin the first petal.
11. Make another indent
Use the template as your guide to pick the next spot and poke another indent, forming the first petal.
♥ ….
Tip time: If you find that the edge of your disc is too soft and loose for poking petals into shape, get thee back to step 8, my friend.
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12. Work the petals
Once you’ve made intents for all the petals, continue to shape them with tiny pokes. Add more fiber all over if needed for thickness.
13. Pull another color
When the flower base is done, pull a small wisp of fiber for the center detail.
14. Roll it up
Take the wisp and roll it into a loose ball.
15. Attach the ball
Anchor the ball to the center of the flower with a few gentle pokes.
16. Make it round
Gently poke the edges of the ball towards the center. This will make it even more secure while creating a puffy shape.
17. Tighten it up
When the ball begins to take shape, use very gentle pokes all over it to felt the surface without flattening the shape.
18. Make an outline
Pull and roll a very thin wisp of your third fiber color into a log about the thickness of a toothpick.
19. Poke the outline
Hold the thin wisp onto the flower and gently poke it into place.
20. Poke the outline some more
Continue to poke the outline into place, following the outside of your center dot. Add more thin logs as needed until you’re happy with how it looks.
21. Put glue on the pin back
Add some glue to the flat back of the enclosed pin. Make sure to follow the instructions on your glue because, like snowflakes, all glues are different.
22. Stick it!
Place the gluey pin surface onto the back of your flower and let it dry completely.
You did it! You totally felted, so… that means you’re a felter now! Sweet.
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